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  • Writer's pictureNancy Adkins

Top Tips to Help Your Fridge Survive Summer

As the summer heat cranks up and storms roll in more often, keeping your fridge running smoothly can be tough. That's why we're here with some handy tips to help your fridge stay in great shape all season long. Following our advice can help you avoid common problems caused by extreme weather, like overheating or power surges, which can lead to expensive repairs or even having to buy a new fridge. Our goal is to make sure your fridge runs efficiently, keeps your food fresh, and helps you save on energy bills all summer long.

Doc Danielson Appliance Repair and Care:  Hot Summer

Top 7 Tips to Keep Your Fridge Cool and Your Food Safe

Summer in Texas can be brutal, and your refrigerator works extra hard to keep everything cool. Here are some top tips to help your fridge survive the sweltering heat:

1. Clean the Condenser Coils

The condenser coils are essential for cooling your fridge. Dust and grime can accumulate, making your fridge work harder and less efficiently. Regular cleaning helps optimal performance

2. Check the Door Seals

Ensure that the seals around your fridge door are airtight. A loose or cracked seal can let cool air escape, causing your fridge to work overtime. Inspecting connections, motor, fan, and water lines is part of our refrigerator maintenance service.

3. Keep It Full, But Not Too Full

A well-stocked fridge retains cold better than an empty one, but overloading it can obstruct airflow. Keep your fridge reasonably full to maintain an even temperature.

4. Set the Right Temperature

Your refrigerator should be set to around 37°F and your freezer at 0°F. This ensures your food stays fresh and your fridge doesn’t have to work harder than necessary.

5. Clean the Drip Pan

The drip pan collects water from the defrost cycle. Over time, it can get dirty and cause odors. Cleaning the drip pan is part of our maintenance checklist.

6. Give It Space

Your fridge needs room to breathe. Ensure there's enough space around it for proper airflow, particularly around the back and sides.

7. Allow Hot Foods To Cool

Never put food in the fridge or freezer until it is cooled off. The heat will cause your compressor to work harder and cause the lifespan of your appliance to lower.

At Doc Danielson Appliance Repair and Care, we understand the importance of a well-functioning fridge, e

specially during the hot Texas summer. Our mission is to provide top-notch appliance care and repair services tailored to your needs. We've been in business for 15 years, and our core values revolve around honesty, reliability, and exceptional customer service.

Our Damaging Admissions? We admit that we are obsessed with perfection. We won't stop until your appliances are running like a well oiled machine.

Call to Action

Don't let a faulty fridge ruin your summer plans. Drop us a line and let us "write a prescription" that will cure your refrigerator ills. Call us at 972-890-5014 or email us at today to schedule your refrigerator maintenance service. Your fridge will thank you!

Never fear, the "Doc" is near! At Doc Danielson Appliance Repair and Care, we make maintaining your fridge a snap, giving you the absolute best possibility of this NOT happening to you. From the ice maker not cooperating at the worst time—in the middle of a Texas summer—to your schizophrenic refrigerator section that keeps freezing everything, to the evil water dispenser that won't deliver cold filtered water when you're about to die of thirst, we've got your back.

Keep your cool this summer with Doc Danielson Appliance Repair and Care! 🧊

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